NMLS Link: https://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org/EntityDetails.aspx/COMPANY/103098
States | License Name | State License # |
Alabama | Consumer Credit License | 22899 |
Alaska | Mortgage Broker/Lender License | AK103098 |
Arizona | Mortgage Banker License | 919889 |
Arkansas | Combination Mortgage Banker-Broker-Servicer License | 103098 |
California - DFPI | Financing Law License | 60DBO78997 |
California - DRE | Real Estate Corporation License Endorsement | 1273595 |
Colorado | Mortgage Company Registration | 103098 |
Colorado - UCCC | Supervised Lender License | 990035 |
Connecticut | Mortgage Lender License | ML-103098 |
Delaware | Lender License | 25855 |
District of Columbia | Mortgage Dual Authority License | MLB103098 |
Florida | Mortgage Lender License | MLD983 |
Florida | Mortgage Lender Servicer License | MLD1983 |
Georgia | Mortgage Lender License/Registration | 59742 |
Hawaii | Mortgage Loan Originator Company License | HI-103098 |
Idaho | Mortgage Broker/Lender License | MBL-2080103098 |
Illinois | Residential Mortgage License | MB.6761330 |
Indiana - DFI | Mortgage Lending License | 35568 |
Iowa | Mortgage Banker License | 2017-0157 |
Kansas | Mortgage Company License | MC.0025558 |
Kentucky | Mortgage Company License | MC408207 |
Louisiana | Residential Mortgage Lending License | 103098 |
Maryland | Mortgage Lender License | 23094 |
Massachusetts | Mortgage Broker License | MC103098 |
Massachusetts | Mortgage Lender License | MC103098 |
Michigan | 1st Mortgage Broker/Lender/Servicer Registrant | FR0022131 |
Michigan | 2nd Mortgage Broker/Lender/Servicer Registrant | SR0022139 |
Minnesota | Residential Mortgage Originator License | MN-MO-103098 |
Minnesota | Residential Mortgage Servicer License | MN-MS-103098 |
Mississippi | Mortgage Lender License | 103098 |
Montana | MONTANA (MT Broker Lic, MT Lender Lic, MT Servicer Lic) | 103098 |
Nevada | Mortgage Company License | 4695 |
New Jersey | Residential Mortgage Lender License | 103098 |
New Mexico | Mortgage Loan Company License | 103098 |
North Carolina | Mortgage Lender License | L-181376 |
Ohio | Residential Mortgage Lending Act Certificate of Registration | RM.502078.000 |
Oklahoma | Mortgage Lender License | ML011600 |
Oregon | Mortgage Lending License | ML-4013 |
Pennsylvania | Mortgage Lender License | 64279 |
South Carolina - BFI | Mortgage Lender / Servicer License | MLS - 103098 |
Tennessee | Mortgage License | 138621 |
Texas - SML | Mortgage Banker Registration | 103098 |
Utah - DRE | Mortgage Entity License | 8339518 |
Virginia | Broker License | MC-6881 |
Virginia | Lender License | MC-6881 |
Washington | Consumer Loan Company License | CL-103098 |
Wisconsin | Mortgage Banker License | 103098BA |
Illinois Commissioner contact information:
James R. Thompson Center
IDFPR-Residential Mortgage Banking
100 W. Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60601
All Inquiries: 1-888-473-4858 TYY: 1-866-325-4949